College admissions essay prompts
Essay On Topic Business World
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critical thinking is basically composed of three parts
1.Critical reasoning is fundamentally made out of three sections that are significant. At the point when an individual is tuning in to a speaker or perusing a distribution, for example, a book, a diary or an article in a magazine or in any event, watching a play or a specific cleanser or show, it is significant for the person in question to have a lot of inquiries that are interrelated.These questions ought to rise up out of the data being passed on by the speaker orâ author or the on-screen character. The basic scholar who is a piece of the crowd ought to ask him self or herself basic inquiries and he ought to deliberately know about what of the individual is doing as she peruse or tune in to the message. He ought to simultaneously be attempting to reply or if nothing else attempting to produce their own recommendations to the inquiries raised.The procedure of basic reasoning ought to alsoâ include the peruser's or audience's craving to effectively use the basic inquiries to ani mate or create all the more comprehension of the message or the focuses the creator or speaker is attempting to put across and what he needs the crowd to accept as the truth.Critical suspecting likewise contains an earlier choice or decision on how one needs to respond to what he/she see or hear. Distinguishing proof and decision of the best choice to make is a piece of basic reasoning particularly when the data you are getting is from various speakers or distributions by various authors.2.Most individuals on the planet has severally confounded the idea of basic reasoning. Most laypeople comprehend basic intuition as the capacity to think without a doubt and in insights regarding an issue. The idea of basic reasoning is totally an alternate thing and such individuals are encouraged to comprehend this idea right.The word basic in basic English may mean significant for a given reason. For instance, oxygen is a basic necessity for life to proceed. Thinking then again is the capacity to consider anything or to imagine some thought in a people mind. Hence, basic reasoning is normally misjudged to mean considering a key or significant thought, basically as it is generally understood.Critical thinking may at one point bring this sort of importance. Yet, in dynamic and examination of what a speaker or a writer is attempting to educate his/or her crowd, basic reasoning is utilized to mean the prescribed procedures in attempting to comprehend the message being passed, and whether it is valid or bogus as per the thoughts the crowd has just shaped in their mind.3.Critical thinking and feelings are straightforwardly interrelated to each other. Feelings may impact basic intuition by affecting the different parts of basic reasoning independently or mutually. To be able to think about an issue doesn't require someone who is sincerely over reactive.One should be patient and gangs the capacity to hold up until the speaker or creator is through with the goal that s/he may have a superior premise of relating his/her plans to those of the creator or speaker. In the event that an individual is restless and doesn't trust that the speaker will offer his thoughts about an issue, an interference may make the speaker stop and hence this individual would not have obtained enough data to on which he can base his counter-argument.4.Critical thinking include utilization of specific instruments as ideas for powerful reasoning. People groups perspective is dictated by their ways of life and spot of living. These two do meddle with the choices individuals make. Thoughts acquired from broad communications, for example, TV or papers may not be genuine and regular. Most happenings that are accounted for in the media are hair-raising. Be that as it may, these news lead individuals to framing sentiments that are one-sided on the issues and realities being asserted in the broadcasts.To maintain a strategic distance from these predispositions, intensive and wide perusing to get however much data as could reasonably be expected concerning this issue is suggested. Subsequent to getting this sort of data, one needs to fundamentally consider it in order to decide if it is exact or not.The illustrations showing up in announcements and banners pass messages that make individuals structure conclusions that the world is ideal when in genuine sense, things are flawed. Such boards makes an individual beginning having affiliated thoughts and starts needing to be related with what the pictures are about. At this stage,the individual has just framed a one-sided feeling about what is being communicated.This biasness is a hindrance to basic reasoning. The other idea is about boundaries, for example, all as opposed to nothing, me versus him/her, them versus us and believing that depends on generalizations. Basic reasoning includes abstaining from generalizing, presumptions and rearrangements that are related with this type of thinking.Pints of perspectives that are not s teady to each other ought to be evaded where conceivable. The fourth factor that obstructs basic reasoning is having dread. One may fear attempting new things, creation of slip-ups and offering any remark that will cause him to seem absurd. These feelings of dread lead one to tolerating the deceptions that are contained in the thoughts they are as of now having. At last, a few belief systems impact individuals to think in a pre-decided way.For model on account of delineated educational plan that give plot and unbending guidelines in transit task configurations ought to be. At the point when understudies utilize their instructors as the main wellspring of information, they structure predisposition to his conclusions and are by and large unfit to thoroughly consider of box when they embrace this type of non basic method of thinking.5. A wipe is a thing that is notable for its capacity to assimilate a ton of water. The more water a wipe retains, the more it gets confounded to deal with and when the water is excessively, the wipe gets fragile to deal with and is fundamentally dodged in light of the fact that it can possibly cause a mess.This simple is utilized in basic reasoning not due to its capacity to cause mess when water surpasses but since of its capacity to assimilate an excessive amount of water. The manner in which an individual considers an issue is enormously controlled by the sum and sort of data that the individual has about a specific issue.The data here is compared to the water while the cerebrum is compared to a wipe. Individuals who have gotten such a great amount of data about the world have likewise got such a great amount of comprehension of how really the world is entangled. The less data one has about the world, the less difficult the world gives off an impression of being to this person.There are a few advantages related with the ‘sponge' way to deal with basic reasoning. On the off chance that an individual gets such a great amount o f data from distributions, media and from discourses or gatherings now, this individual will have a higher ability to fundamentally consider issues in the future.This is an extraordinary fortune particularly in the present circumstance on the planet where everything is changing and muddled thoughts are coming up each day, subsequently representing a threat of disarray for individuals who don't put resources into much information in the prior long periods of their lives (Laura, 2008, p.176).The approach is aloof towards hearing a right point of view for thoughts that are being passed by others in distributions and in broad communications or legitimately during gatherings. Utilization of this methodology isn't exhausting to the brain since data is collected step by step over an extensive stretch of time.It rushes to think while the key prerequisites are simply fixation while getting data and a memory to store the data acquired along these lines. It doesn't include any type of assessme nt of data, accordingly whether the data is valid or not doesn't matter.The just downside related with this methodology is that there is no technique for figuring out what to pick and what to neglect to pick. One's considerations are picked up by the most recent form of data he ran over about an issue and dynamic can turn into a mishap of association.The idea of ‘panning for gold' then again is simple to basic intuition as in from a greater part of material-which here speaks to the heft of data , the gold segment - which here speaks to the significant, little yet helpful data is extricated with a ton of perception. An individual picks what to retain in his psyche as helpful and what to dismiss as futile information.To accomplish this, an individual peruses a distribution or tunes in to the speaker cautiously with an asking disposition. Since it resembles the moderator of the data is attempting to talk and convince you about their thoughts and you are attempting to ask yourself inquiries concerning the data you are getting, this makes the procedure to be intuitive, despite the fact that the crowd and the author or speaker are not seeing one another.The peruser or audience is capable through this way to deal with figure out what is worth. Instead of the wipe idea, this methodology is testing, is exceptionally repetitive however the prizes are enormous.To have the option to assess a speaker's or essayist's supposition, the crowd need to have a trustworthy sentiments about the issue under investigation. This methodology is for the most part planned for securing new data and information since he as of now has a few thoughts and conclusions (Fairburn and Kelly, 2005, pp. 156-159).6. Feeble sense basic reasoning include the utilization basic speculation procedure to shield one's present convictions and when the person in question obtains enough data to be persuaded something else, this turns into the present conviction that the individual will be protecting whe n constrained with another arrangement of data, until this individual is completely persuaded other wise.The approach is least worried about moving towards reality and what is idealistic. It is out for a motivation behind opposing and demolishing sentiments and reasons which seem, by all accounts, to be contrasting from the thoughts an individual is right now holding as the truth.It has an incredible capability of destroying the dynamic angles that are related with basic reasoning. This way to deal with basic reasoning is most displayed in individuals who hold certain thoughts regarding religion or about sacred scriptures.Anything against what they conviction is readil
Thursday, July 16, 2020
The Detail That Most CAT PERSON Discussions Missed
The Detail That Most CAT PERSON Discussions Missed (Trigger warning: discussion of rape culture) In December 2017, the Internet was abuzz with discussions of Kristen Roupenian’s short story “Cat Person.†The story details an increasingly uncomfortable dating relationship between Margot, a 20-year-old college student, and Robert, a man in his 30s. Partly due to the viral popularity of “Cat Person,†Roupenian’s debut story collection, You Know You Want This, secured a 7-figure book deal. The writing in “Cat Person†is sparse, leaving much of the characters’ feelings and personalities between the lines. There’s a lot of ambiguity for readers to relate to our own experiences or interpret the characters. In the context of #MeToo, the story shows that the line between unpleasant sex and assault is sometimes blurry. The sex in the story is supposedly consensual, but Margot is drunk. She no longer wants to have sex with Robert but feels that she has to go through with it: “It wasn’t that she was scared he would try to force her to do something against her will but that insisting that they stop now, after everything she’d done to push this forward, would make her seem spoiled and capricious, as if she’d ordered something at a restaurant and then, once the food arrived, had changed her mind and sent it back.†The story builds sexual tension through texting, while showing that Margot and Robert don’t know each other at all. In the early stages of dating, the other person often seems like a projection or cipher. Margot constantly tries to talk herself into her attraction to Robert and convince herself that he’s a safe person. Some people who give off creepy vibes in person can seem exciting via text. Robert remains a vague character for most of the story, until the end, when Margot realizes how misogynistic he is. Online think pieces and discussions analyzed every other aspect of the story, but some readers seemed baffled by the title or expected something different. The title Cat Person almost seems like a non sequitur at first. It’s kind of a red herring: there are no cats in this story. To me, a seemingly inconsequential line is actually one of the most pivotal moments of the story, illuminating the title, characters, and themes. When they arrive at his house, Robert tells Margot “darkly, like a warning, ‘Just so you know, I have cats.’†We never see any cats, though, and Margot wonders if Robert is lying. This line might seem odd or insignificant, but I think it offers insight into Robert’s behavior and the themes of power and sex. This interaction is subtler than it may initially appear. To Robert, the cats might be like a secret code or social contract. Instead of asking Margot if she still wants to have sex, Robert expects Margot to pick up on his implicit meaning. If Margot has changed her mind, Robert expects her to lie and say that she hates or is allergic to cats. Instead of asking directly if she’s still interested, Robert might be trying to spare his own ego. I kept expecting Margot to break up with Robert by telling him that she’s not a “cat person,†or something to that effect, but the title phrase never occurs in the story. From the way that Robert angrily lashes out at Margot at the very end of the story, he seems unable to handle rejection. So, Robert’s “warning†is an attempt to give Margot a chance to leave while also sparing himself a direct rejection. The huge problem with social cues like these, especially in a sexual context, is that they essentially require one person to read the other’s mind. So many sexual encounters are mired in innuendos that it can be hard to parse someone’s exact meaning. “Cat Person†has some problematic elements, including using Robert’s weight to make him seem repulsive and Margot’s ignorant, transmisic comments about her ex. Margot enjoys the power that she experiences as a thin, young, conventionally attractive, presumably white, non-disabled woman. The story turns on this axis. It uses the differences in age, weight, and height between Margot and Robert to represent the power imbalance between them and the danger many women feel when dating men. If identities are often used a shorthand for negative qualities, even in fiction, we need to examine why. In short stories like “Cat Person,†one or two characters exist in a vacuum. Theres no space for secondary characters’ opinions, or even situational irony, to counter a character’s bigotry. It stands unchecked, but one short story also cant address everything that it mentions. With “Cat Person,†I noticed that people were starting to read fiction in bad faith. They conflated narrators with authors or view scenes of sex or violence as necessarily glorifying it. Many Tweets referred to the story incorrectly as an “essay.†Not everyone is a writer or frequent reader of fiction, but assuming fiction is autobiographical alarms me. Hopefully, stories like this illustrate that consent must be clear. We cant assume that someone means yes just because they havent said noâ€"a defense often used by accused rapists in real life. Despite the storys flaws, this is what Cat Person gets right about rape culture. Robert might be afraid to ask for consent directly because hes awkward or embarrassed. But by asking in such an indirect way, he creates confusion where there should be clear communication. Sign up to Unusual Suspects to receive news and recommendations for mystery/thriller readers.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Freedom And Freedom Of Freedom - 885 Words
Did you know that freedom helped our forefathers shape America throughout the centuries? Freedom is a way to describe independence and a way to self-govern oneself. Freedom is what united the thirteen colonies and gave them the courage to fight for their freedom. Ever since the day settlers set foot on American soil to the day the Declaration of Independence was signed to declare America as an independent nation. Colonist knew that freedom would be the key to create a diverse nation in which it allowed them to act as one community. I would like to make a stand about how freedom played a major role in helping America create a free nation where all the colonies can prosper with a new political and economic start. All this could be accomplished with rallies and uprisings that helped bring the thirteen colonies one step closer to freedom documentation that was signed to help contribute toward the freedom cause, and war that were fought to help free the nation. Freedom would not have been able to build America if it hadn’t been the uprisings and rallies created by the colonist. â€Å"Costuming themselves as Native American warriors, the Bostonians dumped hundreds of chest of cargo into the harbor in December 1773, a protest that was called the Boston Tea Party.†This uprising happened because the colonies were being taxed on good, to retaliate and gain freedom from this rules they protested by throwing tea into the sea. I would have done the same if I was there because it unfairShow MoreRelatedFreedom And Freedom Of Freedom1864 Words  | 8 Pages Freedom, a loosely used word to describe something that us Americans, enjoy on a daily basis. Freedom, as defined in the Oxford Online Dictionary as being in â€Å"the state or fact of being free from servitude, constraint, inhibition, etc.; liberty.†America, prior to gaining independence in 1776 from Great Britain, was not referred to as a free country. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Cosmic Irony in The Odyssey - 615 Words
The first element of cosmic irony is fate, and fate has a role in book nine of The Odyssey. It typically involves a powerful deity (or something fate itself) with the ability and desire to manipulate or even control events in a character’s life. Fate is demonstrated from many characters. An example of fate is when Odysseus, son of Laertes, blinds Polyphemus, one of the cyclops, after Telemus, Eurymus’ son, tells Polyphemus this. â€Å"Oh no, no-that prophecy years ago . . ./it all comes home to me with a vengeance now!/We once had a prophet here, a great tall man,/Telemus, Eurymus’ son, a master at reading signs,/who grew old in his trade among his fellow-Cyclops./All this, he warned me, would come to pass someday-/that I’d be blinded here†¦show more content†¦The reality of the situation is that Odysseus must see the Cyclops, which shows his false sense of freewill. Another example is when Odysseus thinks he is being smart when he chooses no t to kill Polyphemus and blind him instead, â€Å"who’d brave it out with me/to hoist our stake and grind it into his eye/when sleep had overcome him?†(9.371-373). In reality, he must not kill the Cyclops because he must blind him instead since that was what Telemus said it would happen. This defines false sense of freewill because Odysseus thinks that he is brave and smart for coming up with that plan, but he has no other choice than blinding Polyphemus even though he does not know. Really it is a sad example of a cat toying with a mouse; fate is in control of the situation, and Odysseus falsely believes that he can escape the danger and avoid destruction. Cosmic irony also involves two characters playing a game of cat and mouse. It can be defined by the deity of toys with the character much as a cat might with a mouse; the outcome is clear to the disinterested observer, but the mouse hopes desperately for escape. An example of this is between Odysseus and Poly phemus when they keep battling back and forth while Odysseus and his crew are leaving the island. At first Odysseus showing his pride taunts at the Cyclops, â€Å"So, Cyclops, no weak coward it was whose crew/you bent to devour there in your vaulted cave-/you with your brute force!Show MoreRelatedShakespeares use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and Imagery in King Lear3108 Words  | 13 PagesShakespeares use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and Imagery in King Lear In a play about individual tragedies, fatalism plays an important part. Shakespeare effectively uses cosmic imagery to define his characters and to explore the idea of journeys linked to self-discovery by relating it to the imagery of rotating circles. Shakespeare uses Renaissance theology to explain character motivation. In the 16th century there was a great belief in astronomy. People believedRead MoreAnalysis Of Stanley Kubrick s The And The Post Strangelove Films4422 Words  | 18 Pages polar opposites but made up of the same spectrum. This duality of colour echoes the duality of man in Full Metal Jacket and 2001 and on a less obvious way his other films. Kubrick returned to color film stock for his masterpiece â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey.†In the Hal 9000 computer room scene, Kubrick stages actor Keir Dulea (Dr. Dave Bowman) in an ominously red room. The actor’s face is lit with a blue-green light. This draws your eye naturally to his face. Kubrick’s groundbreaking film would heavilyRead MoreThe Films of Stanley Kubrick Essay2151 Words  | 9 Pagesinto cinematic concepts due to certain construction processes used in the making of his films. This distinguishes Stanley Kubrick as a film maker and also places his films in their own genre. Analysing the two films 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and A Clockwork Orange (1971) the production processes will be examined to determine how they bring about the construction of a Kubrick film. The codes and conventions of film making and their purpose will also be identified asRead More The Thought-experiments in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five or the Childrens Crusade: A Duty Da3375 Words  | 14 Pagesfirst person or third person? Such questions perhaps come to mind for readers who seek scientific justification to the premise of Slaughterhouse Five. Thus when one compares Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five with The Martian Chronicles or 2001: A Space Odyssey, one can see that Slaughterhouse Five was never intended to be a work of science-fiction. Then why does Vonnegut risk detaching the reader, without the reward of writing a legitimate science fiction novel? When one examines the first chapter of
Memento and License Plate Number Free Essays
Memento is a movie directed by Christopher Nolan, the story is based on the short story Memento Mori by his brother Johnathan Nolan. Memento is a story about a man who loses the ability to make new memories after he witnesses his wife being raped and murdered. The film is told in two different stories: one is in black and white and told chronologically, and the other is in color and told backwards. We will write a custom essay sample on Memento and License Plate Number or any similar topic only for you Order Now Leonard Shelby wakes up one night and notices his wife is missing from their bed. He hears grumbling and moaning coming from the bathroom. He proceeds to the bedroom loset and retrieves a pistol; he loads it and walks toward the bathroom. He barges into the bathroom where two guys are raping his wife. He shoots one and the other knocks him into the bathroom mirror knocking him onto the ground. Causing him to have a head injury, where he cannot make any new memories. The last thing he remembers is lying on the ground next to his wife who is wrapped in a shower curtain suffocating. Though his memory problem obstructs his ability to endure lengthy activities, Leonard manages to focus his energies on searching for the second assailant and avenging his wife’s rape and murder, reminding himself of important acts by carrying a police file of the crime, taking notes and pictures, and even going so far as to tattoo the most vital details about his mission throughout his body. Along the way, a couple of characters take advantage of his revengeful and forgetful state of mind, deceiving Leonard into murdering several people other than his wife’s assailant. Leonard wakes up in a motel room at the Discount Inn, stunned and muddled as to why he is there. The phone rings and Leonard answers. He starts telling the unknown caller about his circumstance, anterograde amnesia, which means he cannot create new memories. Anterograde amnesia is defined as â€Å"a selective memory deficit, resulting from brain injury, in which the individual is severely impaired on learning new information†(â€Å"Memory Loss the Brain†). He then tells the caller that he had become an insurance investigator and was assigned to Sammy Jenkins. Sammy had anterograde amnesia, and Leonard was assigned to determine if Sammy’s condition was covered under their insurance policy. He tells the caller in order to deal with this circumstance a person must have a system of notes, and the drive to use them. Leonard says he has the motivation that Sammy lacked, we then ee tattooed on Leonard’s chest â€Å"John G. raped and killed your wife†(Memento). He continues to tell the caller that through testing Sammy was not covered under his insurance policy because his circumstance was psychological not physical. The caller then identifies himself as Officer Gammell, he tells Leonard the second man from the night of the attack is Jimmy Grantz. Officer Gammell then tells Leonard he has set up a meeting for him and Jimmy. Leonard then heads to the lobby to meet the officer. Officer Gammell tells Leonard to call him Teddy because he is under cover. Teddy gives Leonard directions to an abandoned building outside of town. Leonard goes to the building and waits for Jimmy. Jimmy pulls up and walks inside Jimmy with a tire iron. Leonard then puts Jimmy’s clothes on and dresses Jimmy in his old clothes. Leonard then drags Jimmy down the stairs and he hears Jimmy whisper â€Å"Sammy. †Leonard then begins to think how could Jimmy know Sammy? He then realizes there is no way he could be the second attacker. Teddy then pulls up outside and Leonard runs out and tells him to hurry inside someone is wounded. Once inside Leonard turns on Teddy, telling him he sent him to kill the wrong guy. Teddy tries to persuade Leonard that Jimmy was his wife’s killer. Finally Teddy confesses that Jimmy Grantz was Just a drug dealer who had nothing to do with the attack on his wife. Teddy then tells Leonard his wife endured the attack and that the story of Sammy Jenkins was truly about himself. Teddy also tells Leonard that he was the officer that investigated the attack on his wife. â€Å"He says he believed him about the second attacker and he helped him track down and kill the real John G. over a year ago. Teddy claims that he took a picture of a happy Leonard right after the second attacker was dead†(Memento). Leonard does not recollect the murder at all. Before Leonard can forget what Teddy is telling him he burns the picture that teddy gave him. He then writes â€Å"don’t believe his lies†on the back of Teddy’s picture (Memento). He also writes down Teddy’s license plate number as John G. ‘s license plate number. He writes himself a note to get the license plate number tattooed on him. Setting himself up to kill Teddy as the next John G. Leonard then tosses Teddys keys into the bushes, gets into Jimmy’s Jaguar and drives off. While driving he sees a tattoo parlor so he stops and goes inside and roceeds to get the license plate tattooed on him. Teddy sees the Jaguar outside so he comes in and suggests that Leonard get out of town and put new clothes on because people are â€Å"starting to ask questions†(Memento). Leonard looks at Teddys picture in his pocket and sees â€Å"don’t believe his lies†so he escapes out of the back window and drives away. He finds a coaster in Jimmy’s coat pocket that says meet me at Ferdys bar, and the note is from a Natalie. So he goes to the bar and finds Natalie, he tells her about his condition and after a test she believes him. Natalie takes Leonard to her home and tells him he can stay with her. Natalie tricks Leonard into going after a man named Dodd who Natalie says has been abusing her. Leonard goes to meet Dodd to beat him up for Natalie, but when he gets into his car Teddy is waiting for him and he tries to warn Leonard about Natalie but sees the note on the back of Teddys picture so he does not believe him. Leonard goes to meet Dodd at his hotel room and beats him up and ties his hands he then throws him in the closet and calls Teddy for help. Teddy comes to Dodd’s hotel room and they take Dodd to a ecluded area and convince him to leave town. Leonard goes back to Natalie’s and she says she will trace the license plate number for him because he took care of Dodd for her. She gives him the information and directions to an abandoned building outside of town. Leonard puts the clues together that Teddy must be John G. and calls him to meet him at the building where Jimmy Grantz was killed a couple of days earlier. Leonard then shoots Teddy in the head. How to cite Memento and License Plate Number, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Censorship Of Art Essays - Young British Artists,
The Censorship of Art The Censorship of Art Things are heating up in America. People are protesting outside of the movie theaters, concerts, and book and record stores of this great nation everywhere. What is all the fuss about? Censorship, Government officials and raving mad protesters alike have been trying to stop the expressive creativity in everything from Marilyn Manson to Mark Twain. One of the biggest shake-ups happened in museums all over the world recently that would have made Michelangelo and DiVinchi's hair stand on end. In the Constitution of the United States, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, religion, press, the right to assemble and to petition the government; the Ninth Amendment says, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people". So it seems one cannot use any of the other rights to quell the rights of an individual or group. Then why is the government trying to censor literature, movies, music and art? All of the world's modern society has become desensitized and easily trainable. Therefore society has come to accept the ideals, morals, and values driven into the psyche by the dominant forces in the nation: the Government and the Church. By quieting the objective voice these two institutions stand in the lead and stay in control. One might assume that the blood-sucking politicians have nothing better to do than to look for things that offend any one major group of people (i.e. the church) to obtain votes. In this manner the government is becoming more and more controlling and artistic censorship is just another way to maintain control. Things were not always so. Government had very little to say about censoring anything. Was it not only three decades ago that as one nation the population was united by the ideals of peace love, and harmony? As an art student in the 60's era, Robert Mansfield states in his article, Artistic Freedom: government challenge "the first amendment was seldom an issue of concern...In fact it seemed that boundaries of expression were governed only by individual creative ability intellect and imagination". Where have these ideals gone? It seems in recent years they have disappeared with the freedom of thought. Why is it so important to some people not to offend? It seems the people easily offended are the ones deciding what is acceptable for the population. "Well about a decade ago when the nation debated about funding controversial art," writes John Cloud of TIME magazine, "in the capital of crude, few people consider rude art a problem." Articles ranging in titles from "New York's Art Attack" to "Creative Chaos" are appearing in TIME and other numerous front-page materials across the country. In H.G. Hovagimyan's TOKARTOK: The Censorship of Art, he states: "Artists are often asked to change parts of their works to conform to the publics morality. This has been going on since the Pope asked Michelangelo to paint fig leaves on Adam and Eve." Yes do not forget about the control the church has had on artistic expression since the beginning of time. When the church has something to say everyone listens. It is amusing how when something offends the church it quickly disappears. However, when these people see some bubble that looks like the face of the Virgin Mary in a tortilla chip, they start worshiping it. Next comes a media circus and before lunch it is all over CNN and every other news broadcast in the world. It is obvious the government uses those situations to promote the Church and its ideals of acceptable art even if it is a tortilla chip. As the 1960's came to an end the meaning and importance of the first amendment became indisputable. The Democratic National Convention in Chicago, protesting against the Vietnam War and the political assassinations of the late 1960's (with the governments' interjection and objection) showed that the so-called guaranteed right of freedom of expression was not so guaranteed anymore. This point was proven again by the incident at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, where students rallying against the presidents decision to send troops into Cambodia without declaring war were arrested, beaten, bombed with tear gas, and ultimately shot at by a dozen men armed with M-1 rifles. "A total of 67 shots were fired in 13 seconds." Is what it said in on the May 4th Task Force of Kent State University. Four of the students were killed and nine were wounded. The extent the government would go to in order to quell the objective voice
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